Yokosuka Kaigun-curry Hompo

Address YY Port Yokosuka, 1-11-8 Wakamatsu-cho, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa
Phone 046-829-1221
Store hours Weekdays
11:00-16:00 (15:30)
11:00-20:00 (19:30)
( ) = Last call

【Closed from Jan.1 to Jan 3】

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Store information


Yokosuka Kaigun Curry Hompo offers orthodox "Yokosuka Kaigun Curry" made based on the old recipe of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The unique interior designed after the interior of Memorial Ship MIKASA offers classical atmosphere and makes your meal more enjoyable.


It also features the authentic American-style cherry cheesecake comes with vanilla-flavor or curry-flavor (very popular, surprisingly) soft serve.

Gift information

Please enjoy the orthodox "Yokosuka Kaigun Curry" at home! This ready-to-eat Kaigun Curry is the best selling product of this shop.